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SUPPLEMENT TO THE SUEDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG. GIN IS IN. Not only the English would drink gin - the spirit is also very trendy in this country. Interview with the gin distiller Julica Renn at Lake Constance.
MAGAZIN TWEED. Julica Renn only needed a little more than two years to create a product from an idea - in the end, the Mile High 69 was a gin that received several awards. From a woman who burns [...]
MILE HIGH 69® Disinfection Hand Gel removes 99.9% of bacteria and inactivates enveloped viruses such as influenza and corona viruses.
– Currently only available in Germany. [...]
PLAN G, MAGAZIN DER HOCHSCHULE GEISENHEIM. Daniel-Renn-Stiftung und Hochschule Geisenheim unterstützen mit #wirhaltenzusammen gemeinsam die Herstellung von Desinfektionsmitteln aus Alkohol.